The Little Town of Significance • Dan Hayden Bethlehem is more than a tiny suburb of Jerusalem. It is the surprisingly big little town where God staged His entrance into the world. With a rich history of significant spiritual roots, Bethlehem emerges into the New...
A Study on Biblical Integrity – by Dan Hayden • The folly of trying to live the Christian life while adopting the philosophies of the world — or — The reason many Christians seem to be fighting a losing battle. A multitude of forces battle for...
A Portrait Study of Matthew’s Gospel As the first Gospel, Matthew is the logical link between the Old and New Testaments as it unfolds the credentials of Jesus of Nazareth to be the long awaited Messiah. This study probes the intriguing format of...
BORN OF A VIRGIN Four Messages on the the Miracle of Christmas The truth of the Virgin Birth is not just a romantic notion to inspire us at Christmas time. It is foundational to our salvation and fundamental to our Christian faith. The Savior must be holy; He cannot...
Biblical Perspectives on Major Prophesies • Dan Hayden • Iraq is in the news every day, and some people are surprised to learn that it is also in the Bible – a lot! In fact, major prophecies concerning Babylon (modern day Iraq) predict the economic and...
John 13:1-30 · Dr. Dan Hayden • As Jesus and His disciples celebrated their last Passover Feast together in the upper room, they engaged in a pageantry of interaction that became known as the Upper Room Discourse. This four-part study explains the meaning behind the...
A Message of Encouragement – 2 Timothy 1:5 Dr. Dan Hayden • Sometimes mothers don’t have the help of fathers in raising their children. Either there is no father, as in a single parent home, or the father is too busy or disinterested to help. How does a...
Christ in You – Ephesians 5 & 6 Dan Hayden • Living in an ungodly world has always been difficult for the serious Christian. In the midst of moral decay and spiritual decline, to live a life that brings glory to Christ is an immense challenge. Therefore, it...
The Struggle for Truth in the Last Days • 2 Timothy 3 • Dr. Dan Hayden • As we approach the end of the age, we can expect to be living in incredibly difficult times. That’s what God says in 2 Timothy 3 before describing our contemporary culture and the twisted...
Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord – Isaiah 9:6 · Dan Hayden • The names of Jesus, found in the famous text of Isaiah 9:6, unveil the true nature and ministry of our Lord. Here is one of the great Old Testament prophecies that shines the light of heaven on the...