A Peculiar People – 1 Peter 2:9

Dr. Dan Hayden • Have you ever known any peculiar people? I could tell you many stories of people I have known who were just plain odd. Like the man who said to the psychologist, “People think I’m weird because I like potato pancakes.” To which the psychologist...

Above – Genesis 1:7

Dr. Dan Hayden •  When astronauts go into orbit around the earth, they ascend high above the earth – above the clouds, above the atmosphere – into outer space. When God created the atmosphere, or firmament, on the second day of creation, He did an unusual thing. He...

Against – Ephesians 6:12

Dr. Dan Hayden •  Martin Luther faced quite a struggle when he nailed his “95 Thesis” to the church door in Wittenburg, Germany. The entire Catholic church rose up against him. It was him against all of them. To have a formidable enemy rise up against you can be very...

All Joy – James 1:2

Dr. Dan Hayden •  When you see the word pure on a label it evokes thoughts of quality on the product. Pure maple syrup, pure chocolate… Well today, we’re going to talk about “pure joy.” We’re considering the subject of joy today, and we’re looking at that great text...

All Things – Colossians 1:16

Dr. Dan Hayden •  Who created the world? Well, you say, — God did! But, would it surprise you if I told you that Jesus did? The Bible is clear that it was God who created the universe, including the world and everything in it. But the Bible is also very explicit...

All Things – Ephesians 5:20

Dr. Dan Hayden •  You can’t leave anything out. You have to include the whole thing – every little bit. That’s just how it works. That’s what Paul was saying when he gave us instruction concerning the Spirit-filled life. He said it includes a thankful spirit for...

All Things – John 1:3

Dr. Dan Hayden •  “Did you make all this?” I asked. I was looking at an elaborate well-constructed model railroad layout in a friend’s basement. “Yes,” he said, “Every detail.” “Wow!” I replied, “I’m very impressed!” I have always been impressed with crafty...

Almighty – Revelation 1:8

Dr. Dan Hayden •  The elite fighting force of King David’s army was known as mighty men of valor. They were superheroes and accomplished mighty deeds, but there is only one that is all mighty and that is God Almighty. As the Apostle John described the second...

Always – Ephesians 5:20

Dr. Dan Hayden •  Recently I heard someone say, “It’s always nice in Florida.” Well, that’s not exactly true. We have a lot of hot and muggy days in the summer. Seasonally, it rains a lot, and every now and then we have a hurricane. So it’s not always nice. Sometimes...

And – John 1:14

Dr. Dan Hayden •  The word “and” is a pretty important word. It’s like the coupling between two railroad cars. It ties things together. That’s our word for today… “and.” In John 1:14, John says that Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” Did you notice that there were...