O Bethlehem – Peace on Earth Delayed

  Delays in life are common. They are also disappointing. Things don’t happen when they’re supposed to. Some things have to be postponed; other things just take time. Waiting is hard and we don’t like it. This is especially true when it comes to...

O Bethlehem – City of David

  The ancient town of Bethlehem was flooded with people who had traveled there for the Roman census. The vast majority were completely unaware of the spiritual reality of that time, that God had come to Earth to bring salvation. Dan Hayden examines the biblical...

O Bethlehem – House of Bread

  Dan Hayden begins a series on the little town of Bethlehem. He covers main events connected to this town, from Ruth and Judges, leading up to the birth of Jesus. God often takes what is humble and uses it for His glory.

In the Company of Jesus… and Limping: Peter – John 13

  Dan Hayden explores the narrative concerning Peter in John 13. Though impetuous with his words, Peter was a committed follower of Jesus. Learn about his strengths and weaknesses, with application to our lives, in  “In the Company of Jesus, Part 2 –...

In the Company of Jesus… and Lost: Judas – John 13

  Dan Hayden begins a new series from John 13. In this message, he highlights Judas Iscariot. Judas heard what Jesus said, saw the Miracles of Christ, and the lives He changed, but did he believe? Find out about Judas and some challenges for our lives in, In the...

When It’s Over

Dan Hayden was the guest speaker for Pastor Jimmy Knott’s Journey Class at First Orlando on 11 June 2023.   What happens when it’s over? The importance of understanding the Gospel.

Shadows of the Cross, Part 6 – The Trespass Offering

  Dan Hayden completes his series on the offerings from Leviticus. He explains the trespass offering, how it is connected to the evil we do against God and each other, and how Christ fulfills this offering in our place. Learn about sin and salvation in, Shadows...

Shadows of the Cross, Part 5 – The Sin Offering

Dan Hayden continues with his studies of the offerings in the book of Leviticus. In this message, he explores the sin offering. Dr. Hayden explains how the sin offering was structured, and how it satisfied God’s holy requirements, and how this offering addresses...

Shadows of the Cross, Part 4 – The Peace Offering

  Dan Hayden continues his insightful series on the offerings from the early chapters of Leviticus. In Part 4, he compares the sacrifices given to bring peace from Leviticus 3 to the peace Jesus gives us when we trust in Him for salvation. He also goes into...

Shadows of the Cross, Part 3 – The Meal Offering

  Dan Hayden continues his excellent study of the sacrifices and offerings found in the early chapters of Leviticus. In part 3, he explores the meal, or grain, offering, why it was significant, and how it points to Jesus. He also encourages and challenges us...