Dr. Dan Hayden •
If your desire is to do the will of God, then you will be interested to know that when the Holy Spirit prays for you, His mind is always that the will of God will be done in your life.
Did you know that when you pray, the Holy Spirit prays right along with you?
In Romans 8:26-27 we read, “…the Spirit Himself intercedes for us…and He who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”
Now, these verses are saying that when we are unsure of what the will of God is in our prayers, the Holy Spirit is praying at the same time and His prayer is right on target because He knows precisely what the will of God is. Verse 27 says that the mind of the Spirit is praying for us according to the will of God.
The word “mind” here is not just a reference to the brain. It’s a Greek word which actually refers to the aim or aspirations, or purpose of the mind. It’s what you’re aiming at when you think about something. It’s your purpose.
So this verse is saying that when the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, His aim or purpose is that God’s perfect will would be done in whatever is happening. In other words, He takes our mixed up, ignorant prayers, and straightens them out. Here’s the idea: I may pray, “Lord, take this problem away.” But the Holy Spirit says, “Whoops—wrong prayer! I think I’ll change it.” So He prays, “Lord, use this problem to strengthen me spiritually and to bring glory to your name.” And the Father says, “My, that’s a wonderful prayers. I think I’ll answer it just that way.” The point is, if the answer to my prayer comes back differently than the way I prayed it, then I can thank the Holy Spirit for correcting it.
The mind of the Holy Spirit is to make sure that my prayers are according to the will of God. It is an encouraging thing for you to rely on the mind of the Spirit as you pray.
For further study, see The Prayer Puzzle.