Karilee Hayden •
When trials or heartaches come my way,
Do I complain? . . . Or do I pray?
Do I choose to trust the Lord, Seek solace in His Word?
His name is Faithful and True . . .
What He promises, He will DO!
How human we are! Too many times our first reaction (and continued response) to adversity is to dwell on what’s wrong. We fret. We complain. We grumble. We “kick against the pricks,” that is, we wear ourselves out trying to “fix” things ourselves. How much better (and easier) our lives would be if we went first to God, then stayed daily in His presence with our concerns. How much greater is our peace when we “stay” our minds on Him – Isa. 26:3 KJV, ESV.
Is your prodigal still in rebellion? Do you face impossible circumstances? Have things happened in your life that you absolutely hate because you know they are contrary to all that seems right? Are you tired? Despairing? Angry?
Go to His Word . . . prayerfully. Stay your mind on Him, moment by moment, day by day. Wait upon the Savior. It might take a long time! (We waited 20 years for our prodigal to return home.) Remember, He understands all your pain and disappointment. He loves you. Let Him comfort you, strengthen you, uplift you, restore you and give you peace!
Ponder if you will, these thoughts, taught in our church class last year by a dear friend:
If you never had to PRAY . . . how would you know that I AM a DELIVERER?
If you never had a TRIAL . . . how could you call yourself an OVERCOMER?
If you never felt SADNESS . . . how would you know that I AM a COMFORTER?
If you never made a MISTAKE . . . how would you know I AM a FORGIVER?
If you always KNOW EVERYTHING . . . how would you know I WILL answer your QUESTIONS?
If you never were in TROUBLE . . . how would you know I WILL come to your RESCUE?
If you were never BROKEN . . . how would you know I CAN make you WHOLE?
If you never went through the FIRE . . . how could you become PURE?
If I never CORRECTED you . . . how would you know I LOVED you?
If you had all POWER . . . how would you learn to DEPEND on ME?
If your life was PERFECT . . . what would you NEED ME for?
If you never had any PROBLEMS . . . how would you know I CAN SOLVE them?