Hey, ladies – what’s it like to prepare a big meal for your family? A lot of work, isn’t it? But I’ll bet you think it’s worth it, if appreciation is shown after the meal, right? “Thank you, Mom,” goes a long way. So does, “Hey Mom, why don’t you relax. We’ll do the dishes.”
Say – did you know that the Lord is a gourmet chef when it comes to preparing spiritual meals for us? Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd…” Then in verse 5 it goes on to say, “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”
When David wrote this, he probably had in mind the times when he would prepare a new field in which to feed his flock. Like the other shepherds, he would inspect the field closely, walking up and down the field, looking for plants that could poison the sheep, or for adder holes where vipers could come out and bite the sheep. He would also decide where his camp would be located, so as to provide the best bedding ground for his sheep. But mostly, he would be concerned to find the most vigorous grass and vegetation for the enjoyment of his flock. He would prepare a meal for them in the midst of the wild country.
The word “prepare” is a Hebrew verb that means “to set in order; to arrange.”
And that is what the shepherd does for his sheep. He sets in order their grazing area – he arranges for them to eat well.
Now the Lord does this for His flock as well. He has prepared His Word for us to be well-fed in all seasons of life. What a spread of history and poetry and gospels and epistles He has prepared for His sheep to feed upon and be satisfied. His Word is indeed, a gourmet meal – and from Moses to John it took Him about 1,600 years to prepare that feast.
“Thou preparest a table before me.”
Say – the Lord has prepared a wonderful meal for us. Come on! Let’s eat, and give Him thanks!