Dr. Dan Hayden •
Perfect peace – Wouldn’t that be nice?! Just a little peace would be great, but perfect peace? You must be kidding! Stay tuned. I will tell you how you can get it.
There is probably no topic more relevant today than the subject of peace, and Isaiah says that you can have it through communion with God. Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”
Perfect peace – the Hebrew word is “shalom,” and it means “peace, or good health, or well-being.” In the text, it is actually a duplication for emphasis: it is “shalom shalom.” Perfect peace is peace of peace – like “holy of Holies, or “King of kings” or “Lord of lords.” It is the peace of all peace. To those whom God keeps, there is wholeness and fullness of well-being. There is perfect peace – shalom shalom.
Now, if you get your theology from looking at other Christians, then you are probably in trouble here, because most Christians worry about the same things that non-Christians worry about. But if you want to experience the peace God is offering, then you must get your theology from the Bible, for what God will give you is not normally experienced in our world, even by most Christians. Listen, God is not offering you an aspirin for your headache or a security blanket, like Linus in Peanuts – He is offering you a priceless quality of life. He is offering you “perfect peace,” when your mind is stayed on Him.
So, as you commune with God in prayer, cast all of your cares upon Him and He will give you “perfect peace” – shalom shalom.
Now you know the real meaning of the word.
Perfect peace is available now and you don’t even need to get out your checkbook.