Dr. Dan Hayden • 

Have you ever asked for directions? You were heading somewhere, but you didn’t know what turn to take, so you needed someone to guide you? Well, that’s exactly what the Lord does for us. He leads us along the way and helps us to know what turns to take.

In the 23rd Psalm we read that the Shepherd “…leads me beside the still waters…” Now that’s an encouraging analogy. As the sheep need to know where the water is, so we need to know where to go to satisfy our thirst for God.

“He leads me,” is a Hebrew verb that not only means “to lead or guide, but also carries the idea of “to provide for; to sustain.” So it is a good and helpful leading that is in view. He leads us to where we can find provision for our thirsty souls.


The body of an animal (such as a sheep) is composed of about 70% water. This fluid is used to maintain normal body metabolism. You see, water determines the vitality, strength and vigor of the sheep and is essential to its health and general well-being. Well, spiritually speaking, this is also true for us. In the Beatitudes, Jesus said, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.”

So when you thirst for God, where do you go to be filled? Well, the Lord has given us guidance here. Jesus said, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink” (John 7:37). In other words, your vitality, strength and vigor as a child of God, depends on whether or not you have regular fellowship with Christ through His Word. As sheep need to drink every day, so do you. So by all means, let the Good Shepherd lead you “beside the still waters.”

Say – do you fellowship with Christ every day? Or do you just go to church once a week?