Dr. Dan Hayden •
When a child first leans to ride a two-wheeled bike, training wheels are used to help with the balance. Then as the child learns to keep a good balance, we remove the training wheels, and from that point on they are no longer needed.
We often need help when we’re learning something new. That’s why we use training wheels and other supports. Then when we’ve become proficient at it, we discard the special helps. For example, a tutorial program on the computer helps a novice learn how to use the program. Then once the program is learned, the tutorial is no longer needed.
Well, the Bible is like that. It tutors you in new ways of thinking.
For example, 2 Timothy 3:16 says,
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
Now, notice that the Bible is profitable for four things: First, it teaches you what God wants you to know. Second, it reproves you concerning things you’ve done wrong. Third, it corrects you by showing you how to get it right again. And fourth, it instructs you by encouraging you to be disciplined in practicing the new thing you’ve learned.
The word “instruction” is a word that means training. It comes from the word for child, and has the idea of training or tutoring a child. It’s the early instruction that is needed in learning a new behavior.
Now we all know what that’s like – when we’ve been reproved and corrected by the Word of God. We need help in being consistent with the new way of thinking. So the Bible comes alongside to help. It tutors us by repeating important truths and by promising us the help of the Holy Spirit. As we read the Bible each day, it trains us in the way of righteousness. “All scripture is…profitable…for instruction.”
Remember – keep reading your Bible. It’s the only way to become a mature Christian.