In Pursuit of Spiritual PassionLessons learned from the Ephesian Church • Dan Hayden
To have a significant impact in the community we must have a commitment to spiritual passion for Jesus Christ. The level of passion, not the level of knowledge, will be the measure of our impact. People will be drawn to Christ when they see that He is worthy of our passion.

6 CDs $14 C131 – Out of Stock

NOTE: The In Pursuit of Spiritual Passion CD set is no longer available, but you may listen to all six lessons below. Please support this ministry with your donation to keep this content available on-line.


  1. When Passion Becomes a Lifestyle – Acts 18:1-23  
  2. Getting It Right – Acts 18:24-28 
  3. Religion is Not Enough – Acts 19:1-7 
  4. The Power of Passion – Acts 19:8-20 
  5. Losing the Edge – Acts 19:21-41 
  6. Rekindling the Fire – Revelation 2:1-7