Have you ever tried to make an appointment with an important person? You know, to get an audience with the governor or the mayor of your city… Well, that is often hard to do. They are so busy – they do not have time for little ol’ you and me.
The most important person in the universe is God, and the good news is that you can get an audience with Him at any time. His ear is open to your request and He has a great interest in your life.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Now God specifically says that He will hear from heaven. Actually, God is everywhere – but He wants us to think of Him as being in an exalted place, so He says, “I will hear from heaven.”
God is exalted above all earthly power and authority. He is the most important and influential person in the universe, and yet he says “I will hear.” He will give you an audience with Him whenever you ask for it. The only requirement is that you come humbly with a desire to seek His face and turn from your wicked ways.
The word “hear” is a Hebrew word that means “to hear or listen attentively.” It is to hear intelligently and with understanding.
You see, God does not just give us a quick in-and-out appointment while His mind is on other things. He says, “I will listen carefully. I will hear all that you have to say, with great interest.” Now that is really quite amazing, isn’t it?
I once had an audience with a very important man. He had condescended to give me a few minutes of his time, but I could tell that his mind was on other things that were more important to him than me. I thank God that He is not like that! He says, “I will hear from heaven,” and when God hears, He listens!
Now you know the real meaning of the word.
Say – In order for God to listen, you have to talk with Him. So, how often do you do that? Get busy…and talk with God!