For many years, as I led tours to Israel, we requested a favorite guide named Amos. He always knew exactly where to go, and the best route to get us there. He was extremely well-informed, and spoke numerous languages. We always felt secure and well-cared for with Amos. He was a most excellent guide.
Twice in Psalm 23, the Psalmist speaks of the Shepherd by saying “He leads me…” In verse 2 it says, “He leads me beside the still waters.” That is a word of PROVISION – He leads me to where I can find provision for my need. Verse 3, however, says, “He leads me in the paths of righteousness.” That’s a different word that stresses the aspect of GUIDANCE.
This second word actually means “to guide,” which is how the New American Standard Version and the New International Version translate the verse: “He guides me.” Strong’s Concordance suggests the idea of transport from one place to another.
Here is Someone who knows the way, and knows exactly how to get you there. More than Amos, or any earthly guide, the Shepherd is extremely knowledgeable. In fact He’s omniscient – He knows every language on earth – every thing there is to know. “The Lord is my shepherd…He guides me.”
There are so many voices today – so many religions and confusing alternatives. So many philosophical speculations on the meaning of life – so many prominent personalities hawking their wares – so many possibilities – so many choices! How in the world can we know what path to take? Well, at the crossroads of life, we all need the Shepherd’s guidance that comes through the Word of God. He knows the way, and He will guide you – if you let Him.
“The Lord is my Shepherd – he leads me in the paths of righteousness.”
Hey – it’s a royal mess out there. Only the Lord knows the way.