Dr. Dan Hayden continues his series based on the gifts the magi, or “wise men” brought to Jesus. He focuses on the frankincense, talking about its sweet smell and why they brought this, based on the incense, and the offerings in the Tabernacle. He...
Dr. Dan Hayden continues his series on the “magi” and the three gifts they brought to Jesus. After reviewing the basic importance of these gifts, Dr. Hayden explores various traditional viewpoints, and then shares the biblical perspective on the...
Dr. Dan Hayden talks about the gifts the “wise men” or “magi” brought to Jesus. He discusses these magi — who they were, and where they came from. He explores how these men knew where to go and what Old Testament texts allowed them...
Dr. Dan Hayden begins a new series about the gifts given to the baby Jesus by the magi. In this message, Dan introduces the historical context and background concerning King Herod, the “kings” of the East (more commonly known as the...
Dan Hayden continues his fascinating study of the body of truth known as the Bible. In this Studio Elective, after a brief review, Dr. Hayden dives in to the book of Acts. He explores Peter’s responsibility, privilege, and ministry to the Jews at the beginning...
Dan Hayden continues his series on the Word of God, reminding us of the connection between the Living Word and the written Word. He focuses on the Gospels and how they fit in to the “body” that makes up the Scripture. He explains how each Gospel shows one...
Dan Hayden begins a fascinating series on the structure of the Bible. In this first lesson, he connects the Living Word, Jesus, with the written Word, Scripture. Dr. Hayden shows us how the Bible directs us to Jesus, is about Jesus, and how Jesus fulfilled what it...
Dan Hayden continues his study in Psalm 119. He highlights verse 176, the last verse in this magnificent Psalm. He addresses the fact of who we are and that everyone has “gone astray,” and gives examples and helps us understand the context of this...
Dan Hayden continues his series on Psalm 119. In this lesson, he talks about Paul and Silas’ imprisonment and the blessing that resulted from it. He then applies this truth, using other examples while exhorting us to sing amid the difficulties we face, as did...
In this Studio Elective, Dan Hayden continues his series, summarizing the magnificent Psalm 119. In this lesson, he explores the Word of God, using the 8 Hebrew words that focus on the Word of God used in this Psalm. Order Dr. Hayden’s book and music CD of the...