Beginnings are important, because that is how we know where we came from. Histories are written to trace nations and ideas back to their source. Genealogies are studied to discover our ancestral roots. Beginnings are important.
So, what happened in the real beginning – before there was anything? What was it like and how did it all start?
Well, in the Gospel of John, chapter 1 and verse 1, John says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Now that’s how John begins his gospel. Later in verse 14 John is going to tell us that the “Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” which is his explanation of the birth of Jesus. But before that, he takes us back to the beginning.
The word “beginning” here is the Greek word arche, which means first (in order of rank). Archangel is the first angel – first in rank; whereas archaeology, is the study of the ancient past – a study of origins. So John is taking us back to the archaic past (something old – from the beginning). Another thing to notice, however, is that the article is missing in the Greek text. So John simply says, “In beginning,” (NOT, “In the beginning”). In other words, John is not referring to a specific beginning, like a starting point. He is simply taking us back to the time of beginnings – to the time when there was nothing. “In beginning.”
For instance, that would be like me talking about my youth (now that’s a long time ago). But if I say, “In my youth,” I’m not referring to a specific beginning point. I’m just talking about the general period of time when I was young.
That is what John is saying. He is saying that before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, He existed with God – when there was nothing else. “In beginning was the Word.”
Now you know the real meaning of the word.
Say – Jesus never had a beginning. He simply existed before time began.