Beginnings are usually exciting times. Everything is fresh and new and untarnished (the beginning of spring, the beginning of a new job, the beginning of a marriage). “Beginning” – that’s our word for today.
The beginning of the universe was the first beginning. It was not only when matter and space (as defined by specific objects) began, but it was also when time began. You see, before there was a beginning, there was no time. There was no sun or moon to calculate months and years, and there was no sequence of events to indicate temporal progression. It was simply nothing – and then – there was a beginning.
In Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Well, when God created the heavens and the earth that was the beginning of all things. And beginning signifies an element of time.
The word “beginning” is the Hebrew word “rosh,” which literally means “head” or “first in rank.” The Jews call their New Year Rosh Hashannah: “rosh” – head of the year, or New Year. Well, “rosh” is the first word in the Bible, and it literally means “first.” It is the beginning of space and matter and time – the beginning of creation.
Dr. Henry Morris of the Institute of Creation Research put it this way: “The primeval creation of the heaven and the earth in the beginning was the first act of the first day of the six days, calling into existence the basic elements of the space-mass-time continuum which constitutes the physical universe.”
Well, all of this argues for the fact that there was a beginning – and it was caused by God.
Now you know the real meaning of the word.
Hey – The only adequate explanation for the universe is that GOD created it.