“Now you see it – and now you don’t!” the magician said. Most people think that “seeing is believing,” but a good illusionist makes you think twice about that.
In 2 Corinthians 4:18, God challenges us with regard to our sense of reality. He says, “…while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” So, does God really expect you to look at things you can’t see? Well, sure… of course He does!
This word “seen” is a common Greek word for the experience of seeing something. It simply refers to the sense of sight, and things that are visible to the human eye.
Now we all know there are some things you can see, and some things you can’t see. You can see the leaves blow, but you can’t see the wind. You can see the light burning, but you can’t see the electricity flowing through the wire. In this passage, however, God is referring to spiritual things, which though they are very real, are nevertheless invisible to the human eye.
The fact is, we are continually surrounded by the spirit world, and even though we cannot see it, it’s really there. Now God wants you to consider that. That’s what He means by “look” at it. It’s not that you can actually see it (in fact, he says you can’t see it); but you know it’s there, so you factor that into how you think and what you do.
In Hebrews 11:27, it says that Moses “endured, as seeing Him who is invisible.” Now you can endure, too, if you learn to see the invisible God with the eyes of faith – “…while we look…at things which are not seen.”
Say – Don’t be disturbed if you can’t see God. He’s there – you can count on it!